Script Downloading Progress Bar Di Blog | INDOBLOG BLITAR - Kali ini saya kembali update posting, postingan kali ini berjudul Script Downloading Progress Bar Di Blog. Widget ini memiliki manfaat agar memudahkan para pengunjung untuk menekan download . Dengan kode ini kita bisa dengan mudah membuat bar proses download yang sederhana gan. Yang ini pake javascript kalau di klik progress barnya bergerak atau berubah otomatis gan. Tinggal copy dan paste kode di bawah ini dimana pun loe mau gan.
<script type="text/javascript">
//current progress
var currProgress = 0;
//is the task complete
var done = false;
//total progress amount
var total = 100;
//function to update progress
function startProgress() {
//get the progress element
var prBar = document.getElementById("prog");
//get the start button
var startButt = document.getElementById("startBtn");
//get the textual element
var val = document.getElementById("numValue");
//disable the button while the task is unfolding
//update the progress level
prBar.value = currProgress;
//update the textual indicator
val.innerHTML = Math.round((currProgress/total)*100)+"%";
//increment the progress level each time this function executes
//check whether we are done yet
if(currProgress>100) done=true;
//if not done, call this function again after a timeout
setTimeout("startProgress()", 100);
//task done, enable the button and reset variables
document.getElementById("startBtn").disabled = false;
done = false;
currProgress = 0;
<progress id="prog" value="0" max="100"></progress>
<br />
<input id="startBtn" onclick="startProgress()" type="button" value="start" />
<div id="numValue">
//current progress
var currProgress = 0;
//is the task complete
var done = false;
//total progress amount
var total = 100;
//function to update progress
function startProgress() {
//get the progress element
var prBar = document.getElementById("prog");
//get the start button
var startButt = document.getElementById("startBtn");
//get the textual element
var val = document.getElementById("numValue");
//disable the button while the task is unfolding
//update the progress level
prBar.value = currProgress;
//update the textual indicator
val.innerHTML = Math.round((currProgress/total)*100)+"%";
//increment the progress level each time this function executes
//check whether we are done yet
if(currProgress>100) done=true;
//if not done, call this function again after a timeout
setTimeout("startProgress()", 100);
//task done, enable the button and reset variables
document.getElementById("startBtn").disabled = false;
done = false;
currProgress = 0;
<progress id="prog" value="0" max="100"></progress>
<br />
<input id="startBtn" onclick="startProgress()" type="button" value="start" />
<div id="numValue">
Standarnya progress bar ini kodenya cuma <progress value="0" max="100"></progress> gan.
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